Thursday, September 24, 2009

Der Supermarkt

Adventures in grocery shopping...
My U-Bahn (subway) stop is right next to a big mall with a huge basement grocery store called Kaufland (buy-land). It is open until 10. This is quite convenient.
They don't have hand-baskets. Just carts. You have to leave a 1EUR deposit to rent one.
In the produce section, you get to put your selections on a little scale, press the button for the right product (I've bought a lot of "Rispentomaten," continuing my summer tomato obsession) and it will print out a neat little label that they can scan at the register. I didn't know this the first time and received some very theatrical sighs from the cashier when she had to go price my grapes herself.
You can get drinkable wine for 1.5EUR, and teeny little bottles of vodka for the drinker-on-the-go. They sell mayo, mustard, ketchup, horseradish and lord knows what else in toothpaste tubes. You can buy yogurt in buckets so big they have handles. There is only one brand of hamburger bun, and it has a big American flag on the package. 'Bio' (bee-oh) means organic.
I cannot for the life of me find the jam. It must be there somewhere. I know Germans eat jam.
When you pay, you are expected to a) have your own bag, b) buy a canvas tote for 45 cents, or c) pay extra for a plastic bag. I like this system.
I have yet to explore Berlin's many outdoor markets/market halls. I'm sure that will be an experience as well!
Bis bald,

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